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The Heart of Worship

Writer: Karl GesslerKarl Gessler

True worship is the place of perfect peace, satisfaction, and freedom. There is never a wrong time to say that God is Holy, Jesus is worthy, or the Holy Spirit is wise, powerful, beautiful, and wonderful.

The heart of worship is about giving God the glory due to His name. Worship isn't about who we are but who He is.

Jesus said, “An hour is coming, and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people, the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” John 4:23 NASB

Accusation is the great enemy of worship. The world is full of Satanists who do not call themselves Satanists. They never consciously attended a ritual or worshiped an idol, but in their hearts, they accused God. “Satan” is not a proper name but a title that means “accuser.” Satan is a demonic prosecuting attorney who even accuses God. When we hold grudges against God and accuse Him of failing to meet our needs, failing to love us, failing to heal us, or in our hearts question His goodness, we are, at least in a measure, in agreement with Satan, the accuser. Sometimes, we sing worship songs, but there is no power because, in our hearts, we are accusing God.

“Isaiah summed you up just right,” Jesus said, “Hypocrites, the lot of you! What he said was this:

With their lips this people honor me,

But with their hearts they are far from me;

All in vain they think to worship me;

All they teach is human commands.

Mark 7:6-7 NTFE

Sky diving joy
The Posture of Worship

Letting go of our accusation and dropping our case against God, as it were, is the key to freedom. If you want to live a life of freedom and Holiness, surrender, once and for all, the right to accuse God. Choose this day to respond in worship in every circumstance, and you will never go wrong.

Your life will become much easier if you throw away your right to argue, know, understand, and accuse. Instead, embrace a heart of surrender, trust, and worship in all circumstances.

For the Christian, the debate is over. We no longer question God’s goodness, reality, faithfulness, nearness, truthfulness, etc. We have decided to follow Jesus and jumped off the cliff in faith that He will catch us. There is no turning back. Surrender like this is the heart of worship.

1 Comment

Arna Toliver
Arna Toliver
Nov 02, 2024

Wow that's some visual picture! The hardest step can be the "First step" off that cliff. To put one foot in front of the other..... step into the unseen void of " Do you Trust Me"? It takes great courage to "Believe". To have "Faith" in what you can not see. But to know, that you know, with all confidence that "He Is Real" & He's got you! That He is your Sure Help in time of Need! He will never leave you or forsake you!

He has a beautiful plan and purpose for each and every life that He created! And He loves you and me.

He forgives us! Mind blowing Mercy and Undeserved Grace! Just because He is…

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