The spirit of pride and the spirit of suicide work closely together. This fact may surprise some people because the person struggling with suicidal thoughts has very low self-esteem. But where there is low self-esteem, you will always find pride. Pride is bravado attempting to cover perceived weakness. Pride is a false messiah for an abused, neglected, and devalued human. Abuse is treating a human with less dignity or value than God assigned to them. Pride is an attempt to make up the difference.
Suicide is the ultimate act of self-pity, and it is an accusation against God. Suicide says that the things that have happened to me are so bad I will punish the world by “off-ing” myself. G.K. Chesterton said, “The murderer kills one person, but the suicide kills the world.” Suicide is an act of agreement with the devil, an accusation against God for creating you. Suicide says to God, “You were wrong to make me.”

Pride says, “I hate myself for being weak, broken, and needy.” Suicide says, “Prove you don't need anyone and throw yourself away.” The real deliverer for the person struggling with abuse, pride, and suicidal ideation is humility and grace.
Grace says, “I love you despite your weakness, failures, and scars.” Pride says, “I don't need your help!” Humility says, “Thank you!”
Abused people receive programming that says, “You are never good enough,” “You must earn my love,” and “grace does not exist.” Pride and suicide work together to say, “Punish them all, and end your life!”
Grace says, “I paid it all. Forgive them, forgive yourself, and receive my love.”
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,
Deuteronomy 30:19 NASB