“All right, boys,” Dad said as he rounded the corner of the house, “Let’s stay late and finish, and I'll take you to Outback Steakhouse tonight.” Painting houses in our family business, my brothers and I always knew that Dad was good for his promises, and we did what he asked. I never remember doubting Dad’s word because he established an excellent track record.
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country and your kindred and your Father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make a great nation of you, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12:1-2
Yahweh had no track record with Abram that Abram should believe Him. Nevertheless, the gods of the land of Ur are the same demons that exist and receive worship today. They are evil creatures who only keep their word enough to deceive and manipulate. They are demanding, sinister, and unreliable. So, what did Abram have to lose in following Yahweh? Abram lost his family, but in a world governed by demons, the family becomes so toxic many are happy to separate in hopes of changing their lives for the better.
Abram departed and followed Yahweh. The first lesson Abram learned is that Yahweh’s covenants are binding and absolute. Yahweh’s word carries actual weight and authority and can be depended upon. Abram’s journey into Egypt, which perfectly foreshadowed Israel’s future experience in Egypt, demonstrates that Yahweh keeps his covenant despite Abram’s foolish decisions. Genesis 12 is the beginning of Abram’s knowledge of the one true God, whom we know today as God the Father.
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said. “Dismantle the Patriarchy.” The good news is that, by God’s grace, this ambition will never, ever reach its devastating goal, which would end the human race. But the bad news is that this demonic agenda, while never reaching its ultimate destination, is still very successful in destroying many men, families, and Christian culture in the attempt. But the God of Abram is the God of the children of Abram, those who have put their faith in Christ, and He will not allow his Church to remain captive in a harem for demons.
The path to victory against the spirits of perversion, double-mindedness, slavery, hatred, and all satanic agendas is a return to the covenant God of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob—the God who keeps his word. The more we look to this covenant-keeping God, the more we become like Him. We will become men of our word as He is. You become what you behold. You reflect what you worship. And you can only reflect what you see. To restore the patriarchy in a holy way, we must begin to make Bible reading a regular part of every day for ourselves and for our families. The testimony of scripture is an essential, fundamental part of seeing, knowing, and reflecting God the Father, whose existence is why Patriarchy has always been and always will be. We must begin to know God the Father again, and that starts with seeing Him through the revelation He gave us in His Holy Word.
Men, read the Bible to your families. It is your duty. The world desperate for your leadership. Happy Father’s Day! You are needed now more than ever.