“Father, let me dedicate all this year to Thee…” These lyrics penned by the Lutheran Hymnist Lawrence Tuttiet, have been always what comes to mind this time of year ever since I heard Matt Redman’s modern rendition of it over a decade ago.

And of course this is very appropriate since the hymn was written to be sung on New Year’s day! Happy New Year everyone! I am dedicating this year to the Lord entirely. I have dedicated myself, my family, and my calendar to the Lord. I am excited to see what He will do! On this week’s podcast, Susie and I talk about the significance of the New Year before we dive into Luke 4 and hear about Jesus’ claim that the “favorable year of the Lord” was beginning in the movement that He Himself was starting. Find out why this resulted in some people attempting to throw Jesus off a cliff! Plus you will hear about a modern day “Damascus Road” experience when a Muslim man meets Jesus on his way to kill a Christian! All this and more on today’s Gospel for Planet Earth Podcast